Swansea Yacht and Sub Aqua Club


The SYSAC premises are located on the western bank of the river Tawe at Swansea between the Sail Bridge and the entrance to the council run marina. The premises consist of the clubhouse, marina, boat yard and diving club premises. There are approximately 450 members of the club which include Yachtsmen (Cruising and Racing), Motor Boat users, Rowers, Anglers, Divers and social members.

The marina, which is a members only facility, is home to approximately 200 members boats. The adjoining boat yard and lifting facilities provide the facilities for boat maintenance at reasonable cost which is of prime importance to the majority of members. The diving section occupy an outbuilding which has two large RIB inflatable boats, diving equipment and air filling/mixing equipment. The section is well equipped and well provided for within the club.

Business Address
The Clubhouse, Pockett''s Wharf, Swansea
Postcode / Zip

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