West Hawk Lake Yacht Club


The West Hawk Lake Yacht Club, established in 1959, was one of the original clubs in Manitoba. During the 1960s and into the mid 1970s, the club was extremely active and produced a number of top level competitors. Older racers will remember names like Dr. Max Demarais, Bill Benson Sr and Cam McCulloch. West Hawk Lake was a hot bed for Y-flyers, Fireballs and Albacores.

It had an active Learn-to-Sail program and a member of WHLYC served as Chair of the CYA National LTS Committee in the mid 80s. Although the club is virtual it has a website but no club house plans for 2010 are to continue on the success of the last four summers. The sailing program has been expanded to include an advanced program and an adult program. All the old club trophies have been located and there is serious talk of holding races to compete for them (tentatively Aug.15/10). The main focus, however, will continue to be on trying to get people out on the water sailing

Business Address
West Hawk Lake Yacht Club, c/o 1432 Mathers Bay East, Winnipeg, MB
Postcode / Zip
R3M 2J9

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