Comet sailing dinghy
The Comet dinghy is a single handed, light, easily transportable and launchable by one person. It requires low maintenance and offers challenging performance but most of all is ONE DESIGN. The Comet dinghy is fast but surprisingly forgiving.
Plenty of sail area for exciting sailing and amazing light wind performance but easily reefed for beginners. Extremely comfortable to sail with a roomy cockpit. The Comet class has a full programme of open meetings with large fleets at various clubs.
The Comet’s two piece mast and lightweight hull enable easy car topping. Quick and simple to rig for maximum time on the water. The Comet dinghy unashamedly has a rear mainsheet and deep cockpit floor rather than a fashionable centre mainsheet and self draining cockpit as used on the latest mass-produced singlehanders. The rear mainsheet really does make the Comet dinghy roomy enough for two, and the deep cockpit does wonders for comfort. Even after a capsize, the small amount of water onboard soon disappears down the self-bailer!
Length : 3.45m
Beam : 1.37m
Weight : 50kg
Sail Area : 6.25m sq
Portsmouth Yardstick : 1046
Several people in my sailing club (Attenborough SC, Nottingham) have moved to Comets as they are mid-point dinghy between topper and laser. So I bought one and have found it to be easy to rig and sail. It can be a bit twitchy in certain conditions due to the rounded hull shape. they are easier to set a course than the topper due to the pointed bow, as opposed to the rounded front of the topper.
They are a solid dinghy, and difficult to break, easy to maintain and have quite a following with many clubs having several of them in their fleets. there is also a Comet association which arranges regattas around the country. Conclusion:- these are a great dinghy, easy to sail especially for those lighter sailors who would perhaps struggle to keep a Laser upright in anything but moderate winds.