Eagle 525 trailer sailer
The Eagle 525 yacht trailer sailer was built by Morton Boats. The mould used for th boat was also used for the Skipper 17. Its a great little boat which can accommodate 2 adults plus 2 small children if needed. It is easy to trail, rig, launch and recover and is very comfortable with a good level of insulation and internal trim.
The Eagle 525 yacht can be beached and dries out level on its twin lifting keels which protrude from the hull on each side. Outboard motor is in a well and easily accessible. Superbly large and comfortable cockpit.
As a result Eagle 525 yachts are still in great demand and command a good resale value.
Length : 26 ft
Beam : 7 ft 6
Weight : 2 Ton
Sail Area : 270 sq ft