Escape 12 sailing dinghy
Escape 12 sailing dinghy Formerly the Escape Rumba, the Escape 12 dinghy has been redesigned to be easier than ever. The Escape 12 features the SmartRig sailplan with roller reefing on the mast. This feature is usually found only in much larger boats, but Escape has found a way to incorporate it into a boat under 13 feet long. When you want to deploy the sail, simply pull the outhaul line and the sail unrolls. To stow the sail, pull on the furling line and the sail easily rolls up on the mast again. This also means the sail is easily adjusted to any size necessary for wind conditions. If it’s really blowing, reduce sail area. If the wind is light, pull it out all the way.
The sail sleeves over the two piece mast eliminating the need for halyards, and is controlled by a single mainsheet. All in all, it’s no wonder the Escape 12 sailing dinghy is considered one of roomiest and most user friendly boats in it’s class.
The hull of the Escape 12 is rotomolded polyethylene instead of fiberglass which allows for durable, lightweight, and low cost construction. This translates to an affordable boat that can take the punishment of beach sailing, g roundings, or being dragged along the shore. Like the Rumba, the 12 incorporates Escape’s Stableform Hull design making it 3X less likely to capsize than a traditional sailboat.
Most boats in the size range have daggerboards. They are great for sailing, but can be a real stick in the mud if you accidently get into the shallows. Instead, the 12 has a swing up centerboard tensioned with a shock cord. If you happen to sail into water too shallow, the shock cord will allow the board will swing up until you float past the obstruction, then you can easily return the board to the down position. The rudder has a spring loaded head which acts the same way. With a board/rudder up draft of less than 3 1/2 inches, there’s never a reason to worry about sailing into shallow water with the Escape 12 dinghy. This boat can be transported by hand, dolly, car top, or trailer.