Flying15 sailing dinghy
The Flying Fifteen (Flying 15) is a twenty foot long two handed keelboat. It is suited to a wide range of crew weights, and can easily be sailed by mixed crews. It was designed by Uffa Fox in 1947. The design has changed little over the years, but the rig and materials used have.
As the class has developed, the older boats have become less competitive against the newer boats in stronger winds so two “sub-fleets” have been created, the Classics and the Silvers. Classics are Fifteens with sail numbers of 2700 and below, but in addition boats built by Copland, Shepherd and Wyche & Coppock with sail numbers over 2700 are also eligible for Classic status.
The Silvers are boats with sail numbers in the range 2701 – 3200 (which are not Classics). These limits were chosen as they mark the introduction of the Windebank IV and Windebank IX designs, both of which showed significant improvements in performance on previous designs.
Length : 6.1m
Beam : 1.52m
Weight : 317kg
Sail Area : 13.94m sq
I have recently acquired a FF. Built by Wyche & Coppock
Cannot find any hull stamping . Red deck on white hull.
Current name Aloha. Bought out of Dundalk so it could have UK or NI previous ownership. I am trying to track down its sail number . Any suggestions from anybody?
Ronan Gill
Galway Bay Sailing Club.
Ireland.I have recently restored what i believe is the only flying 20 left Pegasus F20 No1 now sailing in the Walton on Naze Backwaters.
Previously I owned Jackdaw No 376 and FFreckles 511
I loved Jackdaw and would like to know what happened to her we got a second and a third at nationals hayling island Must have been 1967 or around that time