Laser pico sailing dinghy
The laser Pico is a beginners to improvers boat with a high boom and self draining cockpit. It was designed in 1995 by Olympic medallist Jo Richards. Its a single person dinghy but can take a crew if required.
The Pico is made in Tecrothene 109 thermo plastic construction that provides high structural uniformity and consistency, immense stiffness and exceptional impact strength, you won’t be able to break it easily. Buoyancy is built in. The mast is 2 piece aluminium and has a click on kicker. The rudder and centre board are easy to lift, and the centreboard has a shock absorber. Sail area can be reduced by reefing.
The Pico is a popular boat for beginners and competent sailors alike. Many sailing schools use Pico’s for training whilst the boat is exciting enough for more experienced sailiors.
Length : 3.5m
Beam : 1.37m
Weight : 60kg
Sail Area : 5.1m sq
Portsmouth Yardstick : 1258