Miracle sailing dinghy
The Miracle is a truly versatile craft and is ideal for beginners or experts, young and old alike. It offers friendly but competitive, exciting racing opportunities at both club and national level – but is also the perfect boat to take on the family holiday or to potter about in.
An optional spinnaker (with chute), flat aft section and wide beam help to provide all the thrills and spills you’d expect from a one-design thoroughbred planing racing-boat which even downwind, remains stable enough for youth or inexperienced helm to quickly learn to control.
The Miracle was initially supplied only in wood as a kit and is designed for home building. Consequently many Miracles were built by enthusiasts. Most professionally assembled Miracles were built by Bell Woodworking, who were the sole source of kits, and a few by other professional builders. There is nothing wrong with a home built boat. If it looks well built it probably is ! If it is relatively old, the fact that it has survived tells you that there was nothing fundamentally wrong with the initial build quality. The very great majority of Miracles are made of wood.
In the early 90’s, a composite version of the Miracle was developed (glass reinforced plastic [GRP] hull and wooden deck), and shortly after that a full GRP boat. There are relatively few of these about and pricewise they are still at the higher end of the market. In 1997, the option to home build the wooden boat from plans became available
Length : 3.89m
Beam : 1.59m
Weight : 77kg
Sail Area : 8.9m sq