Ok sailing dinghy
In 1957 Axel Dangaard Olsen of Seattle, U.S.A., asked the Danish yacht designer Knud Olsen to prepare drawings for a light and fast single-handed sailing dinghy based on conventional plywood construction. The resulting design was named the O.K dinghy, using Knud Olsen’s initials in reverse
The O.K. dinghy was intended as a preparation class for the Olympic Finn and it has followed its technical evolution ever since. Sometimes the OK even sets new standarts in singlehanders. The OK is a specialist racing singlehander well suited for the heavier helm. The boat is easily recognised by its flexible topmast and low boom that catches every breath of wind passing over the decks.
OKs are built in plywood, G.R.P and composite construction and all forms enjoy equal racing success. Freedom of choice in hull construction is replicated in choice of rig, with choice of mast, sail and fitting entirely open. Consequently, every OK develops to suit the owner’s style of sailing, while the shape of the hull is designed by a comprehensive set of rules ensuring a long competitive life span.
Length : 4m
Beam : 1.2m
Weight : 72kg
Sail Area : 9.45m sq