Redfox 200 trailer sailer yacht
The Red Fox 200 is a mini category C cruiser which can be easily trailed and launched. Her twin asymmetric dagger boards considerably enhance her performance while her long waterline makes her feel larger that she actually is although her below deck accommodation is surprisingly spacious compared to other similar size boats.
The asymmetric dagger boards provide performance comparable with larger yachts and greatly improves stability. Whilst the twin keel version is easily sailed by those with less sailing experience. Both versions are ideal for trailer sailing and either can be dried out without any problem.
The 200 comes in two versions, the 200S sports day sailer and the 200 cruiser which has slightly more room below. A third cruiser option comes with twin keels, the Red Fox 200T. The Red Fox 200 is the ideal trailer sailer – fun for all the family. The Red Fox 200S has the same hull as the 200 but with a new deck moulding incorporating a vast cockpit area and low profile blister coachroof.
Since the Red Fox was originally conceived as a 25-footer with the overhangs chopped off, it’s no surprise that she should be big down below for her size. The lack of a keel case also contributes to an exceptionally roomy interior with space for a separate heads compartment.
The berth arrangement would be capable of sleeping two children in the bow and the parents in the saloon, where the 3ft 2in (0.97m) between the bunks and deckhead should allow most people to sit up comfortably. A table is provided that can also be used in the cockpit.
Length : 6.17m
Beam : 2.50m
Weight : 1160kg
Sail Area : 18.70m sq
Berths : 2-4