RS Elite sailing dinghy
The RS Elite is a 24 foot keelboat designed by Phil Morrison. Built to meet the requirements of the Hayling Island Sailing Club, the class has a start at Cowes Week and events around the UK. Fleets can be found at the Royal Burnham Yacht Club in the UK, as well as at Falmouth, Belfast Lough and Lymington. Outside of the UK, the class can be found in locations such as the Carribbean, Guernsey, Holland, Norway,and Sweden.
The RS Elite adheres to one design principles. The boat is designed for speed and control. For racing it is a no hiking boat and the crews’ knees must stay inside the boat at all times. There is a full length alloy tube kick bar down the centreline of the boat which is used to hook your feet under.
The RS Elite is normally raced / sailed with three crew. Class rules also allow four crew (to encourage family crews).
Maintenance is absolutely minimal from both time and cost perspectives due to the GRP hull and carbon fibre mast.
Length : 7.42m
Beam : 1.73m
Weight : 625 kg
Sail Area : 15.3 m2