Solo sailing dinghy
The National Solo dinghy is a classic, one-design, single handed dinghy. Designed by Jack Holt in 1956, the Solo dinghy still remains popular today.
While quite lively the Solo dinghy is not as physically demanding as a Laser or many of the other single crew designs. It is available in wood, composite or fibreglass and developments in rig technology mean that it can be sailed competitively by helms from nine and a half to sixteen stones.
Good Solo dinghies can be obtained secondhand for as little as £500. At this sort of price the age is less important than the condition. As with all wooden boats a thorough check should be made for rot. In addition to buying secondhand Solos are available as a kit, part-built or complete. Plans available from the RYA for a completely DIY boat.
Length : 3.78
Beam : 1.55m
Weight : 70kg
Sail Area : 8.36m sq
Portsmouth Yardstick : 1155