Westerly Cirrus Yacht
In 1966, Westerly began work on some faster yachts, of which the Cirrus is an example. John Butler designed the Westerly Cirrus, which was launched in 1968 and he also worked on the 1967 Westerly 28 and the 1969 Westerly Tiger. Of these boats the Westerly Cirrus has been the most popular. The Westerly Cirrus is versatile and can be used as a cruiser or in races. It is a glass fibre fin keel sailing cruiser with four berths.
The Westerly Cirrus is an attractive, streamlined yacht, which was extremely well-designed, as demonstrated through the use of space inside the boat and in the engine space. A 7 hp MD1 diesel was available, just fitting into the small engine space and illustrating the efficiency of the layout. The Westerly Cirrus was also offered with the 6 hp Vire petrol or an outboard.
The Westerly Cirrus was the winner of the Yachting World Rally in the year of its launch and it was an extremely popular boat with almost 400 built in five years. They offer a separate heads and asymmetric forward berths of good size for a yacht of its dimensions as well as a dinette, galley and quarter berth. The space the Westerly Cirrus offers in a boat of its style and speed was revolutionary in the 1960s. The boat also has plenty of headroom and a large cockpit, making it possible to use as a family cruising boat as well as to race.
The boat is well-crafted with high quality materials used, meaning that it is a low maintenance boat and has the reliability of carrying the Westerly name. It is an ideal starter boat because it is comfortable, easy to handle and stable but would also be an enjoyable sail for a more advanced owner because of its versatility as a cruiser/racer.
Length : 6.7m
Beam : 2.3m
Weight : 2,200kg
Berths : 4
Westerley Yachts For Sale
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