Westerly Kestrel Yacht
The Westerly Kestrel 35 was designed by Ed Dubois for Westerly Boats. They were built from 1992 to 1993, and only 5 were made. As such they are a rare and sought after boat. The yacht has good facilities, with 7 berths and 2 heads, unusual on a boat of this length. The boat has a stable fin keel and is a comfortable larger yacht.
The range of yachts that the Westerly Kestrel was developed from is the popular Sea Hawks the Kestrel is an aft-cockpit version of the Oceandream. Above decks, the Westerly Kestrel looks similar to the other Westerly cruisers, but below the yacht is fitted out in a luxury style. There are two self-contained cabins, with en-suite heads, meaning that the yacht has a good amount of privacy and so can be sailed by two couples or a family.
Length : 34’7”
Beam : 12’3”
Weight : 14,080 lbs
Sail Area : 240 sq. ft.
Berths : 7
Westerley Yachts For Sale
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