Westerly Nimrod Yacht
Ian Proctor designed, Westerly built 186 Nimrods between 1968 and 1971 with a further 60 being built by other manufacturers after the moulds were sold. Most Nimrods had a 120 kg ‘L’ shaped centre plate that retracted completely into the hull for easy launching and shallow draft.
With rolled side decks and toe straps for sitting out plus a generous sail area (16.7 sq m with genoa) this was a boat designed for sailing rather than cabin space.
The Nimrod yacht is a very fast but doesnt have have the accommodation expected of a Westerly. This may explain the low numbers sold.
Length : 5.41 m
Beam : 2 m
Weight : 431 kg
Sail Area : 12.7 sq m
Portsmouth Yardstick : N/K
Berths : 2
Westerley Yachts For Sale
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