Barrachois Harbour Yacht Club, located at Sunrise Shore Marina 405 Brule Shore Road, Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, Canada is a casual, friendly group dedicated to boating activity enjoyment. We are a social-oriented club promoting boating safety for all ages. BHYC Racing begins in June and culminates with the Earle W. Forshner Memorial Regatta held on Labour Day weekend.
Barrachois Harbour Yacht Club is first and foremost a social-oriented club! Social functions are held throughout the summer, more often than not of the impromptu variety! That being said, there are planned BHYC Social Functions (Members may bring guests for a nominal fee.) BHYC Cruising: Located on the Northumberland Strait, BHYC offers some of the best cruising destinations to be found anywhere!
The Strait provides some of the most beautiful sailing north of the Caribbean, as the waters are clean, generally calm and warm. The prevailing winds here are WSW at 10-15 knots and the Strait is virtually free of fog. There are numerous beaches along the shore that are simply beautiful, and good anchorage almost everywhere for a swim, a barbeque or even for a few days if your schedule permits. Overnight anchorages are quite appealing as there is not much commercial traffic that can rock you all night. And the sunsets? Well, you''ll have to see them to believe them!